Sunday, 31 October 2010

Happy Hallowe'en!

Very self-explanatory post - just wanted to wish you a VERY HAPPY HALLOWE'EN from all of us here at The Rocky Horror Blog!

Halloween Glitter Graphics -
Halloween Glitter Graphics -

Any Rocky Horror costumes this year?

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Actor Gerard Kelly has died

I was shocked to hear today that Gerard Kelly has died at the age of 51.

Gerard Kelly was the narrator at the Edinburgh and Aberdeen shows of Rocky Horror this year. He was due to revive the role in two weeks at the Glasgow shows.

He died on October 28th after collapsing in his London home with a brain aneurysm.

Kelly appeared in such TV programmes as City Lights, Rab C Nesbitt and Extras, as well as taking part in pantomimes for over 20 years.

I think it's a bit callous to really consider it so soon, but I've heard it said that Kelly's friend and colleague Andy Gray might take his place in the Rocky Horror Show in Glasgow.

Kelly will be sorely missed.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Glee kills the Time Warp

If you haven't heard already, Glee is doing Rocky Horror. I was cautiously optimistic for a while but after seeing this... abomination, all hope is lost.

Here is Glee doing the Time Warp.

I have seen (and done) better Time Warp's whilst waiting at a bus stop. Can someone please explain why there are TWO Magenta's AND TWO Columbia's??? And why Eddie and Rocky are involved in the Time Warp before said characters are even introduced??? Did they even WATCH the film???????

Here is my summary of what this episode will almost certainly be like:

crap singing + crap dancing + crap wannabees who didn't read the script = a headache to any Rocky Horror fan.

See for yourself...

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Official Rocky Horror Hallowe'en Party!

Hiya Frankie fans! ScofieldBurrows here. I thought I'd post a quick bit about the Official Rocky Horror Hallowe'en Party because I keep getting Facebook posts about it and the temptation's driving me nuts!

It's being held in the Alexander Theater in Birmingham on Saturday October 30th and I hear it's almost sold out so you better book quick if you want to go! The details are all on the flyer below, but it's also on the tour website if you're interested.

I'm severely jealous because not only am I stuck at a writing course in Edinburgh on that day, but my mum also doesn't think it's a good enough excuse to warrant me going to Birmingham (mad woman!). But if you live in or near there, lucky devil, this looks set to be a FAB evening - and for just £25 to boot!

All the cast and crew are invited and I am prepared to bet that most of them will at least show face - you never know, Richard O'Brien himself might make an appearance! Super exciting, can't believe I'm missing it.

The £25 not only gets you in, but also pays for a DJ, a special RHS pass (sure to be collectable one day!) and food and drink. The menu is listed on the flyer, and it sounds pretty yummy.

I am so JEALOUS! This sounds like not only the perfect after party but the greatest Hallowe'en ever!

Will you be in attendance? If anyone is, take some snaps for us! And know that I envy you!

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Upcoming events to blog...

Hello... Myself and ScofieldBurrows have had a few ideas for regular sections we want to feature on the blog, and we thought we'd run them by you first.

We're thinking of doing a weekly biography of someone Rocky - whether it be Richard O'Brien, Tim Curry, David Bedella, or one of the many, many other people who help us achieve absolute pleasure!

Since, for us and so many others, dressing up is such an integral part of Rocky Horror and we know that some people might be nervous about it - what to wear? will I look stupid? etc - we want to make things easier for anyone struggling to chose the right costume, so we're going to show you how to compile easy, fun and fabulous costumes for the cheapest possible price! This could take us some time to research so this might be every month, but with such a wealth of wonderful costumes to chose from, it should be very fun!

Linking in with that, ScofieldBurrows is thinking of showing you her cheap and easy makeup tips! So far, she's only tried Magenta's and Frank's makeup, but she's got a hunkering to try out the Phantom's so that may be her first project!

That's all we've got for now! We'll keep trying to bring you the latest show news, photos and much more as well of course!

Dig it, if you can.

Thursday, 14 October 2010

The Rocky Horror Glee Show - PROMOS!!!

So.... If you haven't heard already, Glee are doing a show where the club puts on Rocky Horror as the school's annual play. It's due to air in America on October 26th and I don't know about us folks across the pond yet. Are you excited? You might well be after seeing the promos...

I'm hesitant to say much about it yet, but from what I've seen so far... It doesn't look too bad. And if it introduces a new generation of people to Rocky, that's great! My only real concern is that they'll just turn it into a bunch of angsty teens whining and huffing and... I don't know, I've never had the inclination to watch Glee before. But since I'll watch damn near anything about Rocky - and since the deal has been sweetened by the promise of Barry Bostwick and Meat Loaf appearing in the episode - I shall certainly be taking a look at this when it arrives here in Britain!


Saturday, 9 October 2010

A very cool website:

I want to talk about a really cool website that is on our list of recommended Rocky sites. It's called and it's the official UK fan club for Rocky Horror fans, and has been since 1988. It's a really great website which you can enjoy whether you're a member or not - lifetime membership costs £2 and is totally worth it, by the way.

Anyway, the website is THE place for all UK dwelling Rocky fans. It is the best place for news, upcoming tour dates, et cetera. They also have lots of fun games, and the monthly Time Warp competition! We're writing this now because ScofieldBurrows was very excited to tell me that she won competition no.160 (September's competition), and her name will now forever be on the website's Hall of Fame, which is very cool, as well as the prize, which she very kindly sent us a picture of. To enter the competition, you only have to answer 5 Rocky related questions - about upcoming tour dates, other films the actors have been in, lines from the movie - anything and everything (and if you don't know, Google it!). The winner every month wins an exclusive website winner badge, but they almost always send a little bonus prize or two as well! Some bonus prizes have included t-shirts, dvd's, etc, (and sometimes really rare stuff) and this coming month it's a copy of the film 'Clue' which stars the wonderful Tim Curry. But more often than not, they'll send some random Time Warp/ Rocky Horror goodies which is what Scofield got and which she could not have been happier about!

I think you can click on the photo to enlarge it, but as you can see she won a selection of Rocky Horror flyers and things dating back as far as 1999. The bundle included postcards from the '99 Transylvanian convention, various flyers from shows, and even some extremely cool Rocky Horror CHRISTMAS CARDS (!!!) which I am severely jealous of! To some people, this stuff may seem worthless, but to Rocky collectors like us - Scofield's started making a Rocky scrapbook, she says, with all this cool stuff, and her own photos and ticket stubs (she calls it The Denton Affair!) - it is priceless. I'm very jealous right now - I've never won!

I would highly recommend this website because it is just brilliant. And you should totally enter the competition too - it's for both members and non-members, and even if you win you can enter again!

Thursday, 7 October 2010

The Rocky Horror GLEE Show?!!

Will it drive us insa-a-a-ane? One can only hope as American TV show 'Glee' announces that the fifth episode of its second season will see the Glee club pay tribute to the Rocky Horror Show by staging it as the school's annual musical. Will it chill us, thrill us and fulfill us? I have my doubts, but it's certainly worth a look.

The episode, directed by Adam Shankman, will premiere on the Fox network in America on October 26th 2010. UK viewers will have to wait till it comes out here (I'll update as soon as I know when). An extended play called Glee: The Music, The Rocky Horror Glee Show will be released on October 19th 2010 (in Britain too? I don't know). It will feature 7 sonds from the episode:
1. Science Fiction Double Feature
2. Damn it, Janet
3. Whatever happened to Saturday night?
4. Sweet Transvestite
5. Toucha toucha touch me
6. There's a light (over at the Frankenstein place)
7. Time Warp

Seems like a weird order to put the songs in, but there you go.
The director said on Twitter that, while risque, the musical is perfect for Glee because all the characters feel like misfits. Fair enough, but I really can't imagine any of their angsty, annoying characters playing Frank very well. Maybe that's just me though.

The one thing which REALLY motivates me to be excited about the episode is that Barry Bostwick (Brad) and Meat Loaf (Eddie) will be appearing in the episode! Bostwick said their roles were 'stunt casting' whatever that means, and says he won't be singing in the episode. Oh well. Susan Sarandon said she was open to appearing in the episode depending on the role, and was flattered by the tribute. Unfortunately she was never approached - another shame. Timy Curry will not be in the episode either. Well, we can't have everything.

Will you be watching?

Sunday, 3 October 2010

ScofieldBurrows presents: The Rocky Horror Album Show

Blog writer/researcher and Rocky Horror fanatic ScofieldBurrows has recently completed a slightly obsessive but incredible project in her Stardoll album. She calls it The Rocky Horror Album Show - over 50 pages of incredibly detailed Rocky goodness! In it, she tells the entire story of Rocky Horror - from the opening lines of Science Fiction, Double Feature to the reprise at the end! - using her medoll to play ALL the characters! The costumes are stunning, the sets are beautifully detailed... It's dirty, flirty and ASTOUNDING!

Here are just a few examples of her work...

Isn't it phenomenal? But don't take my word for it - see the entire thing for yourself.