Saturday, 30 October 2010

Actor Gerard Kelly has died

I was shocked to hear today that Gerard Kelly has died at the age of 51.

Gerard Kelly was the narrator at the Edinburgh and Aberdeen shows of Rocky Horror this year. He was due to revive the role in two weeks at the Glasgow shows.

He died on October 28th after collapsing in his London home with a brain aneurysm.

Kelly appeared in such TV programmes as City Lights, Rab C Nesbitt and Extras, as well as taking part in pantomimes for over 20 years.

I think it's a bit callous to really consider it so soon, but I've heard it said that Kelly's friend and colleague Andy Gray might take his place in the Rocky Horror Show in Glasgow.

Kelly will be sorely missed.


ScofieldBurrows said...

I can't believe he's dead. I saw him in June. I was seeing him again in less that two weeks. It's such a shock - he was a very funny man. RIP Mr Kelly x