Sunday, 14 November 2010

2009/2010 UK Tour - Glasgow Photos

The UK tour of Rocky Horror is almost over, and I've been fortunate enough to see it twice this year in 2 of the 3 Scottish tour dates. I was in Glasgow last night at the Saturday night matinee (was gutted to discover I couldn't get a train home until about 6 in the morning if I went to the late show). It was my first time seeing David Bedella as the scandalous Frank-N-Furter - I saw an understudy when in Edinburgh - and he was incredible. I almost melted on his entrance. Some say he's one of the only Frank's to match Tim Curry's original brilliance; while I don't know if this is true, he was certainly incredible. As my second live Rocky Horror Show, it did not dissapoint.
Unfortunately, the crowd did. I've never been particularly fond of Glasgow anyway, and this confirmed my beliefs. The lack of costumes was astounding and heartbreaking. I had the great enjoyment of being in the front row, but was taken aback when only 1 or 2 other people in the row even made an attempt at dressing up (even a feather boa is appreciated!) The man beside me didn't even do the Time Warp. It was devastating. Thankfully, there were a few good old fashioned Rocky fans like me strutting their stuff in corsets, fishnets and heels - women too! And here are just a few pictures!

Got any photos to add to our blog? Not just from this show - anything Rocky is most appreciated!
You can email us at:


E. Studnicka said...

When I was in Paris over Halloween, I tried to get into the Saturday night showing and was thrown out by A French Brad because I didn't book tickets ahead of time and they were full.
Had to walk around all night on cobblestones in fishnets and heels.
Only in Paris...

..Dark_Angel.. said...

Those are some fab pics! Have been to a showing in costume myself but don't have any pictures unfortunately :( Would love to see David Bedella as Frank... Saw him on YouTube and he looks amazing. Almost - almost - as good as Curry