Wednesday, 28 July 2010

New UK tour dates!

The current UK tour has had some new dates added to it which is VERY exciting because it is simply BRILLIANT! ScofieldBurrows tells me she's already managed to secure front row tickets to the Saturday night matinee in Glasgow in November - but tickets are selling like hotcakes she says ("there's practically none of the good ones left!") so if you're planning a visit, you better book soon. Here is the list of places the tour is going for the rest of the year:

Woking New Victoria Theatre: 30 Aug - 4 Sep

Southend Cliffs Pavilion: 6 - 11 Sep

Brighton Theatre Royal: 13 - 18 Sep

Llandudno Venue Cymru: 20-25 Sep

Ipswich Regent Theatre: 29 Sep - 2 Oct

Liverpool Empire: 4 - 9 Oct

Grand Canal Theatre Dublin: 11 - 16 Oct

Blackpool Grand Theatre: 18 - 23 Oct

Birmingham Alexamdra Theatre: 25 - 30 Oct

Leeds Grand Theatre: 1 - 6 Nov
Glasgow Theatre Royal: 8 - 13 Nov
Manchester Palace: 15 - 20 Nov

Richmond Theatre: 22 - 27 Nov

Aylesbury Waterside Theatre: 29 Nov - 4 Dec

So dust off your heels if you can, pull on your fishnets and let's do the time warp again! All the details of how to book tickets are on the tour website ( - but, for Glasgow at least, they're going mighty fast! Hope to see you there :)


ScofieldBurrows said...

I was forced to book tickets to the matinee because there wasn't a train back to my home time after the show was finished so I would have been stuck. Also, there are still half decent seats for the matinee - in Glasgow at least, the late show on Saturday night (the stalls at least - the place you wanna sit) is almost booked up entirely. Book now if you wanna see it is my advice!
ps. if you type ROCKYFAN into the discounts box you can sometimes get a discount. I got £1 of both my tickets! :)

TotalEclipse said...

My gosh! The Glasgow shows arent till November and the one for the saturday night is almost sold out!!! i dunno about the balconys but who wants to sit up there? I think i might badger my parents to see if I can get to the early show. Maybe see you there, Scofield!