Saturday 24 July 2010

The Virgin's Guide to Rocky Horror - Part 2

Part 2 - Dancing

Another huge part of the Rocky Horror experience is dancing. Embarrassed about dancing in front of strangers? Don't know when or how to dance? Never fear! We're here to help!

There are certain parts of the show where most people dance (ie. The Time Warp) and other parts where some like to dance and others don't. During the "Time Warp", most of the audience at a stage show will be on their feet and dancing, so you shouldn't feel embarrassed about it at all. The dance is very simple because the instructions of how to do it are all in the lyrics. If you really do feel uncomfortable dancing in front of everyone, no one is forcing you to, but you might well being the only person left seated and so this might make you even more uncomfortable. In the end, just have fun, whether that's from watching everyone else dance or from having a boogie yourself.

How to do the Time Warp

Like I said, the basic dance steps are in the lyrics so it's a very simple dance. A good way to master the dance is to do it in time with the actors when watching the movie. As well as the basic steps, the dance is also embellished with arm gestures, etc, but if it's your first time at the show there will always be more experienced people to copy! But if you're still nervous, here is my simple guide!

"It's just a jump to the left!" - Take a jump to the left.
"Then a step to the right!" - Take a step to the right.
"Put your hands on your hips" - Place your hands on your hips.
"Bring your knees in tight" - Bring your knees together tightly.
"But it's the pelvic thrust" - Thrust your pelvis forwards and backwards.
"That really drives you insane" - With your hands on your hips, move your pelvis in a circular motion.
"Let's do the Time Warp again!" - The action to go with this varies from show to show. In the film, the Transylvanians do a range of things, from waving their arms to jumping from side to side. In the current UK tour, the action is to put your left arm above your head, then your right arm, place your left hand on your right hip, your right hand on your left hip, then wiggle your upper body up and down. But because the move here changes with most productions, you can either copy what the actors on the stage are doing, or simply do your own thing!

Dancing at other time during the show is not as compulsary as during the Time Warp. My advice is just to dance when comfortable. During a stage show, apart from a little boogie in my seat, I only stand up to dance during the Time Warp because I wouldn't want to obstruct anyone elses view and therefore dampen their own experience of the show. Be considerate and don't do anything you're not comfortable with. Also, things can get pretty cramped at a stage show, so don't get too carried away when Time-Warping! ScofieldBurrows says: If, like me, you happen to be sitting at the end of the row, it's a good idea to move out into the aisle to dance. This will give both you and the people around you more space - plus it can be a good way to get noticed!

Look out for The Virgin's Guide Part 3 - Audience Participation Lines!